Thursday, July 13, 2017

Estoy Contenta

"Estan contentos?" (Are you content?)

This is a frequent question asked of children in a VBS. Today I can confidently say "Yes!" My heart is so full.

As I have been reflecting on my time here in Guatemala, I have been incredibly blessed. 

The Lord has taught me some valuable lessons about my perfectionism (especially through David's example in 2 Samuel).

He has blessed me beyond words with the relationships that have formed and deepened during my time here. 

Thank you for your prayers and support during this time of ministry. Keep praying for Oscar, Karla, and their family as they continue the work of the Lord.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

And another one gone...

Last week we had a group come from Hartland, WI. They were fantastic! They were energetic, well-organized, and super encouraging. All my fears and nerves were gone after the first couple days. Thank you Jesus!

Every day we spent time in a church in San Juan. We ran a VBS and then visited homes of people who were sick or unable to come to church. 

It was amazing to see the high school students grow in their confidence and love of the kids. There may be a language barrier for some of these students, but that doesn't change the way they can love on the kiddos. They would dance with the kids, play games with them, and use translators (like Marie and I) to communicate with them.

At the end of the week, the kids and parents LOVED the members of the group. We spent 1 hour saying good-bye. Thousands of pictures were taken and hugs were shared. Celebrity status???

One day, the group went to land purchased by Oscar, the missionary we work with, to provide a training center and respite facility for pastors. We helped weed out the land by hand to prepare it for a building project in a couple weeks.

All in all, I am always amazed at how the LORD works though willing hearts. He has a perfect plan through it all. He was the center of the relationships formed among Guatemalans and Americans alike. :) 

Saturday, July 1, 2017


Today Marie and I attended a funeral. Here is what we learned...

Typically a funeral is done in the person's home. The Guatemalan homes are fairly open, so they can fit lots of people. The one we went to had many chairs set up inside.

We came in, sat down, and waited.

"What time does the funeral start?" we asked.
"At 7:00 or whenever the pastor shows up," was our Guatemalan friend's response. :)

We started singing at 7:30. :)
Then we heard a fantastic message on the perfect consolation we receive from God from 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. Finally, they served a refreshment of bread and coffee to thank all for attending.

Here are some additional facts:
1. They can have an open-casket or closed-casket at the funeral.
2. Many people bring food (corn, sugar, etc.) to help the family out financially.
3. There is a large bow outside the house of someone who has died. A white bow represents someone young or elderly. A black bow represents anyone between those ages.

Tomorrow they will have a time of prayer and then head to the cemetery.