Saturday, July 19, 2014

Week 4- Trackers

Week 4- Jr. Highers.

This has been the best week of the summer (for me at least). The campers were super fun and enjoyed many of the games and activities we did. We had the privilege of having Joe Basso (pastor of Felch Mountain Bible Chapel in Felch, MI) come and speak. The campers really connected with him.  He clearly preached through the attributes of God and I was so encouraged by the response of the campers.

More than one camper told me that they had a better picture of who God was as a result. One camper said "I have been coming to Lake Ellen for 7 years and I always believed in God, but now I understand that God wants us to do more than just believe in Him. He wants us to give our lives to Him."

I was encouraged by these and many other comments by campers and staff throughout the week.

We also had the privilege of having Good News Baptist's youth group worship team lead singing during chapel times. It was fun to enhance old friendships and make new ones.

The campers really enjoyed the team competitions and Scruffy, a now-infamous prize for winning cabin clean-up. We're not really sure if it's more for the campers or the counselors, but when one counselor had a breakdown after losing, we're pretty sure he's more for the counselors...

To my knowledge at least 3 campers accepted Christ this week for the first time (yea!!!), but I know that MANY lives were changed. We rejoice in it all. After all, we are here to make disciples. I believe that God is accomplishing that through us. Praise the Lord!

Week 2 & 3

During the second week of campers, I had a wedding to play (the piano) for in Philadelphia. My family and I headed out there and enjoyed a bit of NYC before heading down. It was such a blessing to spend time with family. The counselors took many responsibilities for me, which I was so thankful for! I know they were greatly stretched, but they did a great job!

Week 3 went well. We had the cartoonist from Answers in Genesis (Dan Lietha) speaking, so that was a real blessing. He answered many "difficult" questions about the Christian faith that were helpful for the campers and the staff. It was also nice to connect with his family again, as they had been here in 2010 when I was an area director. We were able to feel the Spirit of the Lord working through the campers, which was great.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Staff Training, Week 1

Staff training went well. Praise the Lord! The staff was almost instantly connected. It is one of the most cohesive staffs I have ever been a part of. It was fun to watch them grow and connect.

Many of them have been a part of a program at Lake Ellen called TST (Teen Service Team) where they serve by logging to heat the camp in the winters and helping in the kitchen. It is neat to see them return on staff and be so excited to connect with old friends on their new assignment.

Our counselors and I have determined our goal as being "to be disciples and make disciples" and would appreciate any prayers toward that goal.

Week 1 went well. The counselors and I had so much fun with the campers. The 2nd and 3rd graders were a handful and had lots of energy, but they are also so honest and remind us of what childlike trust really looks like. We particularly enjoyed one camper who was honest and always had a story to share.

The campers connected well with the bible teaching too as they learned how to find scriptures in their Bibles for the sword drills. We were blessed with Rian & Jill Bass, who taught about parables through skits, guests, and Jill's chalk art that includes a hidden black-light picture. We have recorded 2 decisions to live for Christ, which we rejoice in! I think many other campers left with a fuller view of God and a commitment to serve him. Praise the Lord!

We pray that the campers are continuing to seek the Lord and learn more as a result of the teaching they heard during Bible Lesson Times, chapels, devotions, and teachable moments. Would you join in praying for these things with me?