Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer 2012 Summary

“My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever,” Psalm 73:26.

This verse is a brief description of my summer. God definitely used the summer and the experiences and the requirements of me to drain me of any of my own abilities.  It was taxing to be planning schedules and running events with little training or intentional planning time (due to some unforeseen circumstances).   

However, if you were to ask me what could have gone better or what I would change, I would respond quickly with, “Nothing.”  Yes, this summer was the most difficult one I have endured, but I feel so refined.  I am ready to trust the Lord with my life as I continue to seek to love Him above all else. 

Last week, the speaker told a story about a man who was going into ministry and was told “Be ready to be lonely [with God].” I have learned the importance of this statement.  I have been lonely this summer as I have sought to complete my job without a partner or the ability to build close relationships (partially due to me and partially due to my schedule and other reasons), but I wouldn’t change a moment of that.  Through my experience this summer and from the past school year, God has taught me what it means to be completely satisfied in Him.  He is the only one who can satisfy all my deepest longings and desires.  Food, relationships, success, and a list of other idols I turn to instead of God only temporarily satisfy, but God fully satisfies for eternity.

He will provide everything I need as I find my satisfaction in Him.  If I need a hug, he will provide a hug.  If I need food, he will lead me to a feast (or at least some nourishments), and if I need refreshments, He will lead me beside still waters (which will probably include time with Him).

Basically, this summer has definitely been one of growth and learning.  God definitely worked through all my weaknesses, which was a theme that God showed us even before the summer began.  In all my self-exploration and times of weakness and loneliness, God accomplished incredible things and through that reminded me that He doesn’t need me.  He desires my complete surrender to Him and He definitely will use me, but He is big enough to do everything He needs to without me.

God did amazing things at Lake Ellen Camp this summer.  It was truly a unique summer, but God worked in the lives of campers and staff, which is always such an incredible encouragement and joy to be a part of!