Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer 2012 Summary

“My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever,” Psalm 73:26.

This verse is a brief description of my summer. God definitely used the summer and the experiences and the requirements of me to drain me of any of my own abilities.  It was taxing to be planning schedules and running events with little training or intentional planning time (due to some unforeseen circumstances).   

However, if you were to ask me what could have gone better or what I would change, I would respond quickly with, “Nothing.”  Yes, this summer was the most difficult one I have endured, but I feel so refined.  I am ready to trust the Lord with my life as I continue to seek to love Him above all else. 

Last week, the speaker told a story about a man who was going into ministry and was told “Be ready to be lonely [with God].” I have learned the importance of this statement.  I have been lonely this summer as I have sought to complete my job without a partner or the ability to build close relationships (partially due to me and partially due to my schedule and other reasons), but I wouldn’t change a moment of that.  Through my experience this summer and from the past school year, God has taught me what it means to be completely satisfied in Him.  He is the only one who can satisfy all my deepest longings and desires.  Food, relationships, success, and a list of other idols I turn to instead of God only temporarily satisfy, but God fully satisfies for eternity.

He will provide everything I need as I find my satisfaction in Him.  If I need a hug, he will provide a hug.  If I need food, he will lead me to a feast (or at least some nourishments), and if I need refreshments, He will lead me beside still waters (which will probably include time with Him).

Basically, this summer has definitely been one of growth and learning.  God definitely worked through all my weaknesses, which was a theme that God showed us even before the summer began.  In all my self-exploration and times of weakness and loneliness, God accomplished incredible things and through that reminded me that He doesn’t need me.  He desires my complete surrender to Him and He definitely will use me, but He is big enough to do everything He needs to without me.

God did amazing things at Lake Ellen Camp this summer.  It was truly a unique summer, but God worked in the lives of campers and staff, which is always such an incredible encouragement and joy to be a part of!

Friday, July 20, 2012


This post is a week late, but I figured better late than never, right? :)

Do you ever wonder if God is going to actually come through for the situations in your life? 

I sometimes question his power and ability to do marvelous things (even though He is my Master and is way so much more powerful than I am). This week was a reminder of my dependence on him, which I have been lacking for the few weeks prior.

I'll tell the whole story will as few details as possible (ask if you want more).

There were 3 homesick campers by Tuesday.  This was scary for me because as soon as the camper reach my level there are fewer and fewer options other than calling home (which is usually a free ride home), and we like to keep them here as long as possible.

There were two situations: a boy who had been here before and two were girls who I didn't know so well.  When the counselors brought their campers to my level I became stressed because I didn't know what to do.  They didn't want to go out to TP Town or be involved in many of the activities here at camp.  As I contemplated what to do, I rememered that God is way more powerful than I ever could imagine, so I gave it to him.

"If you want them to stay, let them stay.  If you want them to go, let them go,"  I told Him.

I still had struggles throughout the week with allowing God to handle it and it consumed many of my thoughts as I became very stressed about what to do.  Finally, it came to the point where a decision had to be made.

The boy called home and ended up leaving. :(  However I was at peace because I knew that it was in God's hands.

The girls still had hope though.  It was Thursday.  I talked to the girls inidividually and told them each to pray about it.  I said "See if you can last until dinner and then we will talk."

By the time I talked to Ralph, the camp director, it was time for Skit Night which is at approximately 8:00 p.m central time.  He told me that he didn't feel comfortable calling that late because they lived about 1/2 hours away in the eastern time zone (9:00 p.m.).  It would be extremely late for the mother.  They girls cried, but I told them that Ralph was the one that made the final decision and he had said we would call in the morning.

There was no need to call that morning because the girls came up to their counselor before breakfast and said "We want to stay!  It's only one more day!"  I was absolutey relieved and left praising God for their decision to stay and for His reminder of my dependence on Him. 

Is there something God is asking you to trust Him with?  He is worthy and able. :)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." ~ Philippians 4:6 (Read verse 7 too!)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Camp Update

Just a quick update on what's been going on.

Area Director Training, Staff Training, Homestead, and Explorers are now done! I can't believe it.  It has been a fun adventure so far and interesting planning and running programs by myself, but God is so faithful. 

The LORD is definitely working here, and I am really excited for what he has planned this week.  I will have almost 80 campers at some points throughout the day, so it will be interesting to see how God allows me to maintain order and allow them to have fun.

I am not sure how many decisions were made for Christ or how many seeds were planted, because ultimately only God know, but I am encouraged by hearing limited stories.

Praise the LORD for all He has done and all He is doing. :)  Hopefully a more thorough blog will come soon in His timing. :)

"But he said to me, 'My strength is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.'... That is why, for Christ's sake I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." ~2 Corintinthians 12:9-10

Monday, June 25, 2012

What a Mighty God We Serve

Do you ever have days when you have a hard time trusting God?  Do you ever wonder or worry if God is going to provide everything you need?  I know I have those days, but I have been so encouraged in the last couple days and hope you are encouraged by what God has been doing in my life as well.

The phrase listed as the title of this post has gained greater value as I have been serving here at camp.  I entered the week this week at peace, which is uncommon for me.  Usually I have the mindset that I must be anxious or worried otherwise something is not right.  Not this year.  God has been so faithful and He has graciously shown me what it means to rest in his strength. I also attribute this newly discovered peace to the prayers of many who will read this post (THANK YOU! :D).

What exactly have I learned?  God not only supplies our physical needs but also our emotional needs.  He has been so incredibly faithfully supplying my financial needs (a HUGE thank you to you who have supported me thus far) and the needs of the schedule of the camp, which is a reason for the peace.  In addition, however, he has been supplying my emotional needs that I didn't even know I had.

Last week was staff training and I didn't know it but I needed encouragement.  Paul Coldagelli, one of the past members of the Lake Ellen Camp board, gave the staff a challenge.  After a marvelous challenge I feel like God literally (no really, literally) led me over to Jackie, a volunteer and wife of one of the full-time staff members.  I sat down next to her and it wasn't long before tears started running down my cheeks.  I don't know where the tears came from but they obviously needed to come.  I told her of how I missed my family even though they only live 1 hour away and some other concerns of my heart.  When I left her, I receive a hug from Liz, one of my new friends on summer staff here.  I felt so incredibly encouraged at a time when I didn't even realize I needed encouragement.

As we paused as a staff to lift up the camp and its players in prayer, I couldn't help but praise the Lord with my whole self.  I realized that there were probably many more times that God provided exactly what I needed and I didn't even realize I needed it.

I pray that God will open your eyes to see the ways that he has been providing for you, so you can praise Him and be reminded that He will continue to provide. :) 

What a mighty God we serve! Amen!

Monday, April 16, 2012

What is the Lord doing in your life?

I was asked this question recently and it shook me more than it has in the past.  As I tried to quickly think of an answer, I reflected on my days of camp and how I always had an excited response that was full of answered prayers and personal testimonies.  Now, however, I was stuck fumbling over words and seeking to find an evidence of God even though I know that he has been present in my life. 

Praise the Lord! That is my current reflection on the situation.  As I have been lifted up in prayer, I am starting to see more intentional answers to prayer and have felt the need to again start documenting the evidence of God in my life through answered prayers.

Since that conversation, I now have a better answer to "What is the Lord doing in your life?".  There are two areas I have been struggling with for most of this semester, if not this year are relationships and finances.  He has definitely been answering my prayers in these areas, but yesterday and today I have finally felt the Lord's presence again as I have again surrendered my strength to him as I read through 2 Corinthians 12. 

1) God has given me grace to overcome my struggles in a specific relationship.  As I have struggled to know how to properly respond, I feel that he has now completely provided and will continue to provide words as I rest in Him.

2) God has opened a possible door that I am very excited about, but I need to keep surrendering this to him to see it through and praise Him no matter what happens.

This lesson of trusting in and surrendering to the magnificent Lord of the universe has been an incredible journey, and I am starting to see fruit! :D  What a wonderful God we serve!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Light of the World

Recently, I have been intriguied by the concept of shining God's light into other's lives.  The thoughts startered when I heard a sermon on part of 2 Corinthians 4.  The specific verse that intrigued me was verse 6:

"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

Matthew 5:16 was then referenced:
"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father
who is in heaven."

My question was; is the light that God "shone in our hearts" the same light that we are supposed to "shine before men"?

Here is what I found.
After doing a mini word study on light, I discovered that there are many Greek words for light.  In the passage, Matthew 5:14-16, there are four references to light and 3 of them are different in the original Greek.

"You are the light of theworld.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put i under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it give light to all who are in the house.
16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

1,4: The Greek words of first and fourth light are phos, which is a contraction of phaos which means light or daylight.  So, in verses 1 and 4, light can be translated as light or daylight.
2: The Greek word of the second light is kaio which means to kindle or burn.
3: The Greek word of the third light is lampo which can be translated to mean give light or shine.

In the 2 Corinthians passage,
"One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ"

the Greek word for light is photismos which is translated illumination, but which is also from the Greek word photizo which means to shine or give light.  Interestingly, this is the only use of photismos in the New Testament.

After digesting all this information (it took time), I came to understand the Matthew passage in a new and very exciting way. 

In verse 16:
Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Jesus seems to be saying that we should we should let our phos (daylight) lampo (shine) like a lamp.  In combination with 2 Corinthians 4:6, the message seems to be that we should lampo the photismos (illumination) that Christ has shone on our hearts.

It will still take time to digest all this, but I thought I would share a piece of what I just learned. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

"Would you be excited...?"

"Francis Chan is coming to Northwestern!"

This announcement in chapel brought extraordinary amounts of chatter and excitement.  And today was the day!

I got all ready and was super excited to hear him actually speak.  When I got to chapel, however, the stage was set for a worship chapel.

"Maybe they are just doing an intro for him," I told my friend.

As the time got closer, I expected someone to come and explain what was going on or something, but nothing happened.  Worship chapel started as it does every Friday.  There was no Francis Chan.  There was no further announcements.

As I sat in disbelief, Jesus spoke to my heart.

"Is Francis Chan more exciting than me?"

After all, it is a chapel dedicated to worshiping Jesus.

"Would you be as excited if you heard I was coming to speak in chapel?"

The question hit me in a way it never has before. I get so excited to hear the Word preached and to fill my brain with more information about God and his amazing power and love and awesomeness!  But when it comes down to it, do I truly love God more?

In worship chapels I have the opportunity to dine with and worship the King of Kings!!!!  I should be more excited to worship the Lord than to hear Francis Chan speak.  It is, I believe, part of loving God with my entire being.  So, what is going to be the question on my mind throughout this week?

Would I be excited if I heard Jesus was coming to Northwestern?
or maybe more practically
Do I love God more?

Isaiah 6:3 (a passage I was led to during worship)

"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory."
(says the angles worshipping the LORD, emphasis added)

Isaiah's response:
"'Woe to me!'...'I am ruined (unworthy)'...[but] 'Here am I. Send me!" (6:5, 8b)

That is my prayer.
Praise the LORD!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prayer Matrix

It has been a long time since I have written a blog post and after reading my friend Mindy's posts, I realized how nice it is to stay updated, even if it is a brief snippet of what you've been learning. :D

This morning I woke up with a burden on my heart...a good burden, but none-the-less a burden. As I climbed out of bed, I nearly immediately went to the prayer closet in our hall, which is located conventiently outside our door.  As I read the Word and prayed, I knew that the day would need to be one of depending on the LORD in someway. 

I left later than I normally do, after the shuttle had already "charted its course," so I didn't even know if I would make it on time.  When I walked in the doors, however, I realized that I had actually beat a majority of the student body, including the shuttle. :)  As I sat down, I felt the burden in my spirit again and started to pray.  I didn't really know what to pray for or if someone specific needed prayer, but none-the-less I prayed.  Then I looked up at the screen that scrolls through various announcements.


This word accompanied by a picture was displayed for longer than the normal couple second display.  I smiled, put my head down and continued to pray about only God knew what.  I went to fill up my water bottle right before chapel started and saw a friend who is always a joy to see.  In our short conversation we set a lunch date for a couple hours later. 

I entered chapel again and continued to pray for the message that was about to be delivered.  I shortly realized that the entire message was going to be on prayer.  I prayed that the Spirit would do something cool and realized that might have been what my burden was for.  Jim Johnson, the senior director of Campus Ministries, went on to speak about the importance of prayer.  Towards the end of his message, he went into an area that I have not explored very much...listening.

He presented a chart-like diagram that focuses on praying for issues, decisions, and needs, rather than only consulting our feelings, people on TV programs, books, and peers.

Because I cannot exactly draw the diagram, I will seek to explain it.  The four corners include four small boxes that contain important people in our lives: 1) spouse/parents; 2) Small Group/Accountability Partner; 3) Trusted Friends; and 4) Pastor/Mentor.  A large rectangle is placed inside these four corners that holds our issues, need, decision.  If the diagram is actually constructed, post-it notes that hold the request can be placed in the large-inner rectangle.

Here are the "standards" to using this "matrix."
The Power of Seven
If the request is minor (Where am I going to eat this weekend?), pray for the request for 7 minutes and then listen for God's response (this is very seldolmly an audible response, but more of a speaking to the spirit).
If the request is major (Should I change my major? Should I purchase this car?), pray for the request for 7 days and then listen to the LORD.
If the request is life-altering (Should I marry this person?), pray for the request for 7 weeks and then listen to the LORD.

Two out of Four Principle
Ask two out of the four "corner people" (spouse, trusted friend, etc.) to pray with you over these requests.

Stop Talking, Start Listening
Enough said :D

As I have had a focus on prayer for the past few years of my life, this is a new idea that I have not formally considered before.  I am excited about this idea, especially with all the prayer warrior friends God has placed in my life (Yea God! :) )

"Praise the LORD, O my soul and all that is within me, praise his holy name!"

Praise the LORD!