Monday, June 25, 2012

What a Mighty God We Serve

Do you ever have days when you have a hard time trusting God?  Do you ever wonder or worry if God is going to provide everything you need?  I know I have those days, but I have been so encouraged in the last couple days and hope you are encouraged by what God has been doing in my life as well.

The phrase listed as the title of this post has gained greater value as I have been serving here at camp.  I entered the week this week at peace, which is uncommon for me.  Usually I have the mindset that I must be anxious or worried otherwise something is not right.  Not this year.  God has been so faithful and He has graciously shown me what it means to rest in his strength. I also attribute this newly discovered peace to the prayers of many who will read this post (THANK YOU! :D).

What exactly have I learned?  God not only supplies our physical needs but also our emotional needs.  He has been so incredibly faithfully supplying my financial needs (a HUGE thank you to you who have supported me thus far) and the needs of the schedule of the camp, which is a reason for the peace.  In addition, however, he has been supplying my emotional needs that I didn't even know I had.

Last week was staff training and I didn't know it but I needed encouragement.  Paul Coldagelli, one of the past members of the Lake Ellen Camp board, gave the staff a challenge.  After a marvelous challenge I feel like God literally (no really, literally) led me over to Jackie, a volunteer and wife of one of the full-time staff members.  I sat down next to her and it wasn't long before tears started running down my cheeks.  I don't know where the tears came from but they obviously needed to come.  I told her of how I missed my family even though they only live 1 hour away and some other concerns of my heart.  When I left her, I receive a hug from Liz, one of my new friends on summer staff here.  I felt so incredibly encouraged at a time when I didn't even realize I needed encouragement.

As we paused as a staff to lift up the camp and its players in prayer, I couldn't help but praise the Lord with my whole self.  I realized that there were probably many more times that God provided exactly what I needed and I didn't even realize I needed it.

I pray that God will open your eyes to see the ways that he has been providing for you, so you can praise Him and be reminded that He will continue to provide. :) 

What a mighty God we serve! Amen!