Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Why am I here? Part 2

Earlier I wrote a post about living like a missionary and asked the question, "Why am I here?"

Well, God is always refining. :)

Last week he gave me a revelation as I was getting frustrated and losing focus.

They are going to forget English. I am going to forget Spanish. An eternal salvation will never be lost.

I realized that I was missing my purpose here. My goal here is not to teach English. My goal here is to spread the gospel of Christ. Part of that is teaching English, but that is not my goal. Because of the work of the local church, Los Olivos, we are permitted to talk about God in the schools. Every day I pray before class, but this wasn't enough. I knew I needed to do more.

This week is the week before Holy Week, which is a big deal here, especially because of the Catholic influence. In fact, all of the schools have the whole week off. 

I felt the Lord telling me to present the gospel, so that is what I am doing. How cool! I get to present the gospel in the public school!

Every day I am sharing a word of the gospel (holy, sin, cross, resurrection) and singing The Doughnut Song (from The Donut Man). On Thursday I plan to do a craft or something of the sort to share the resurrection/Easter story. I would love prayers for the Spirit to touch lives and to guard our places with the protection of His armor! Praise the Lord!

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