Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gospel follow-up

Many of you knew that I had shared the gospel with the students the week before Holy Week. Every day I introduced a new word in English to teach them English while teaching them the gospel.  It is difficult to know exactly how it was received, because of the setting, but some students definitely seemed receptive. Pray for their hearts.  The few times I did have students raise their hands, there were at least a handful that said they had made a decision to follow Jesus for the first time. Hallelujah!

I also saw the Lord at work in some classrooms, which was evident by their attention and look of conviction in some cases. Below are a couple pictures of my presentation of the gospel, a raise of hands demonstrating who wanted to follow Jesus (unfortunately skewed by the fact that I was taking a picture...), and a picture of a cross that I made with the students on the last day as we talked about having LIFE in Christ.

Gospel presentation

crosses we made as a class

With Jesus we can have LIFE

Students who want to live for Jesus

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